Keith Ruckus is an event producer, author, and musician in Austin TX. On October 24th, 2017 the city recognized him by making it "Keith Ruckus Day" in Austin by mayoral decree. The decress was given in light of his contributions to the cities zeitgeist through his events.
Keith Ruckus has hosted 259 Episodes.
Episode 227: God we HATE HIPPIES.
April 20th, 2023 | 35 mins 47 secs
Our spotty schedule continues - but you get the best content regardless! Thanks to Hippie H8er for keeping us honest.
Episode 226: Remakes and Sequels
April 6th, 2023 | 39 mins 3 secs
And now back to our erratically scheduled programming.
Episode 224: This Episode is ONLY for Hippie H8er
February 24th, 2023 | 1 hr 2 mins
You don't need to know. It's for Hippie H8er.
Episode 223: The DC/Marvel/James Gunn Spectacular!
February 10th, 2023 | 37 mins 43 secs
It's the show where we talk about DC! Marvel! And our favorite: James Gunn!
But really this episode is about Judy Hopps.
Episode 222: Right In The Mibble
February 2nd, 2023 | 59 mins 32 secs
It just takes some time. Little girl you're in the mibble of the ride.
Episode 221: Poisoning Pigeons In The Park
January 20th, 2023 | 43 mins 7 secs
To be clear - it's never funny when an animal (or human) looses their life. But sh*t happens when you party naked.
Episode 220: Head Full 'O Nut
January 13th, 2023 | 41 mins 57 secs
HEAD FULL O NUT EPISODE. Get ready for some Golden Globe thoughts and other bullshit. No Star Trek, Keith's tired. Also we hate Ezra Miller.
Episode 219: Guess Who's Back!? Hint: Not Mason.
January 5th, 2023 | 52 mins 27 secs
Episode 218: Ron Howard Likes Green Hairy D**KS!
December 15th, 2022 | 48 mins 17 secs
They boys are back and super sleepy! Get your drama and intrigue! Wonder Woman and Patty Jenkins still like eachother, Robat Battinbat isn't going to the DCU, Iron Man gets some infamy, and MORE!
Episode 217: The Subtlety Coach
December 8th, 2022 | 58 mins 55 secs
The boys are back after their first ACTUAL week off. This never happens but we like that you care!
Also send us some money. It's a free podcast. Heres some news! Does James Gunn know what he's doing? Is Indy 5 going to be worth it? Is Keith going to mail these fucking BluRays? Find out this week!
November 24th, 2022 | 26 mins 56 secs
You'll probably hate this - but Happy Thanksgiving! Let's shoot a couple of three pointers.